About Us

     The Cedar County Library was voted into existence in April 1, 1947, along with a $.10 per hundred dollar valuation in property tax to support it.

  •      The Cedar County Library and Dallas County Library formed the Cedar-Dallas Cooperative in 1949.
  •      The El Dorado Springs Library, which was begun by the Twentieth Century Club, became a part of the Cedar County Library in 1949.
  •      Polk County Library joined the Cooperative in 1951.  Bolivar Public Library became a part of Polk County Library in 1951.
  •      Cedar County Library, Dallas County Library, and Polk County Library then became Southwest Regional Library.
  •      Later, Dade County Library and Hickory County joined, and Dallas County Library dropped out of Southwest Regional Library in 1965.

     Southwest Regional Library broke apart in 1995, and the county libraries went their separate ways.  John D. Smith gave a building to the city of El Dorado Springs to be used as a library.  The Friends of the Library, Inc. of El Dorado Springs were very instrumental in gathering donations to be used in the refurbishing of the building.  Many Friends donated time and labor for this to happen in 1998.  Cedar County Library rents the building from the City of El Dorado Springs.  In 2020, the Cedar County Library District began a fundraising campaign to build a new library building in El Dorado Springs.

     Cedar County Library automated their collection in 2001, and developed their first website with an online catalog.  They began to offer free public wi-fi in 2006.  A tornado took the Stockton Branch in 2003, and it operated out of a modular classroom for five years. A generous donor gave the library a start on raising the money for a new building in 2006.  The building was started in 2007 and finished in 2008. The library is very grateful to the people who voted the 1/4 of cent sales tax in 2017 to support the library.


Geneva Sharp Branch

717 East St, Stockton, MO 65785 


El Dorado Springs Branch

808 S. Main, El Dorado Springs, MO 64744



Both Branches

Monday – Friday : 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Saturday – 9 am to 3 pm Sunday CLOSED

Current Board Members

Kay Forest, Board President

Carole Rickman, Board Treasurer

Carol Butts, Board Secretary

Bennie Salkil, Member

Larry Nottingham, Member

Meet Our Staff

Kim Schmid – Co-Director

Dr. Shannon  Snow – Co-Director

Jesi Beauchamp – District Manager

Geneva Sharp, Stockton Branch

Kristine Bredvick – Circulation Clerk

Tiffani Coyle – Circulation Clerk/Children’s Programs

Nick Gardner – Circulation Clerk

Faith King – Circulation Clerk

Dollie Thiele-Martin – Advanced Cataloger 

John D. Smith, El Dorado Springs Branch

Linda Jamison – Circulation Clerk

Kathy Koca – Circulation Clerk/Cataloger/Children’s Programs

Linda Mann – Circulation Clerk/Cataloger

Michelle Swager – Circulation Clerk